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Who is Doctor Who? Part 2 – Fiction Hack: Episode 14

Who is Doctor Who? We continue to answer this question, covering the Third and Fourth Doctors played by Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, as well as Berry Letts. 

Ross’ Notes

  • Jon Pertwee’s son, Sean Pertwee, is indeed Alfred Pennyworth on the TV show Gotham. If you haven’t seen Dog Soldiers (2002), I think it’s worth a watch. It’s a werewolf movie.
  • Hard Light Holograms. I think it’s a ridiculous concept.
  • Here’s a link to that Barry Letts book on Amazon:
  • We talk all about Spider-Man in film in our next episode.
  • Yes, I deliberately said “can of fish”, conflating “can of worms” and “kettle of fish”. There’s probably a word for this.
  • Doctor Who Magazine was launched in 1979 and is still going strong today. I pick up an issue every once in a while myself.
  • Terrence Dicks was also along-time serving story editor for the original series, as well as a later writer. He is probably the best person to answer the question “Who is Doctor Who?” In fact, it completely slipped my mind until just now that Dicks co-wrote one of the first in-canon book material for the Doctor in the 1972 book The Making of Doctor Who, which was part in-canon biography, part behind-the-scenes material. For many young British fans this was the first comprehensive look at how a TV show is made and many of those children were set on course for a career in television. I’ve read it, it’s pretty interesting: