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Remembering Steve Ditko: Fiction Hack Episode 008

This week we are remembering Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, The Question, Rorshach, and much, much more. Just like the heroes he created and helped develop, Ditko was a mysterious, complex, and principled individual. Today we try to open a little of that up for you.

Ross’ Show Notes

  • Here’s a list of characters that Steve Ditko created on Wikipedia. Not all of them had their own titles, of course, but it’s pretty impressive.
  • William Sydney Porter’s pen name was O. Henry.
  • My history of Marvel Comics is not strictly accurate, but it is the simplest way of thinking about it. Fortunately, there are a lot of good biographies of early comics history. My favourite, for its objectivity, is Sean Howe’s Marvel: The Untold Story.
  •  Here’s a sample of Alan Moore’s scriptwriting style, which I don’t think anyone would advise emulating. This is the description for ONE PANEL on the first page of Watchmen. You can find it in the Watchmen Absolute edition.

Alan Moore Watchmen Script

remembering steve ditko