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Ready Player One. Fiction Hack: Episode 011

Are you ready player one? Ross has read the book, Colin has seen the movie–can one convince the other to do the other? It’s a roundabout discussion that drifts into deeper waters as we question the value of nostalgia in the pursuit of truth.

Ross’ Notes

  • I really do recommend the book–much better than I expected. Buy it here to support the show:
  • Colin really did seem to enjoy the movie, and he succeeded in making me curious enough to give it a go. Click here to buy it and support the show:
  • These notes are quite short and I’ve just noticed that Mark Rylance is in the movie adaptation of Ready Player One, so I’ll talk a little about him. I think for a lot of people this mid-fifties year-old guy just dropped out of nowhere and started getting nominated for Oscars and awards. But he had a very full career before then, mostly on stage. He was the first artistic director of the rebuilt Globe theatre in London. I actually saw him in a production of Anthony and Cleopatra in the early 2000s, where he played the title role… of Cleopatra. It was an all-male cast, and he was an absolute revelation. Not only a convincing woman, not only a convincing monarch… he was funny and moving. At one point he hoiked back his skirts and pulled a dagger from a holder on his leg. It remains one of my most memorable Shakespeare experiences ever. Mark Rylance is also a Shakespeare denier, which means that he doesn’t think that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare. He co-authored some declaration or other which made a bigger splash than it should have because every thirty years someone pops up making a big deal of it. Maybe it’s worth an episode in the future. Write in if you want to hear that.