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Author: Colin

Act Structure – NaNoWriMo Special. Fiction Hack: Episode 19

Act structure is something that everyone talks and has an opinion about, but is it actually helpful when you are writing your story? No. No, it’s not. But maybe sometimes it is. Allow me to unlock the doors of the prison called “Act Structure” for you. It’s up to you if you leave…

Ross’ Notes

  • Notes will come once I’m clear of NaNoWriMo!
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Why Are There So Many Spider-Man movies? Fiction-Hack: Episode 015

Why are there so many Spider-Man Movies? I’ll tell you why there are so many Spider-Man movies! We do a box office and critical analysis of all of the Spider-Man movies up to the present day. Find out why the stories are recycled so much, why they keep recasting the character, and why he’s suddenly started showing up in the Avengers movies.

Ross’ Notes:

  • The tangent I mentioned actually occurred in the second Doctor Who episode and is not an out-take.
  • In 1967 National Periodical Publications, which was the official company name for DC Comics, was acquired by the Kinney National Company. That same year Kinney began negotiating with Warner Bros.-Seven Arts, the movie studio. In 1969 the deal was finalized and in 1972 the conglomerate was rebranded as Warner Communications Inc.
  • The Matrix hired two comic artists to produce conceptual art and storyboards for the movie: indie creator Geoff Darrow and mainstream artist Steve Skorce. Skorce would go on to draw for X-Men, and Darrow would create Shoalin Cowboy.
  • Bryan Singer made a conscious decision to dial back on the more flamboyant elements from comics, particularly the costumes, and also made decisions to underplay character elements as well, cutting characters like Mystique and Sabertooth out of back stories (later retconned). Marvel overtly rejected this approach, deciding to turn everything up to ten when it came to costumes and storylines borrowedfrom the comics.
  • Colin does raise an interesting question — did Spider-Man (2002) lay groundwork for Batman Begins (2005)? I can’t draw an artistic line between them, but the superhero appetite was certainly expanded by both, and the groundwork laid for the ridiculous Marvel Cinematic Universe (fans) vs. DC Expanded Universe (fans) “debate”.
  • The Incredible Hulk end credits scene is interesting in that it leads to absolutely nothing. General Ross isn’t seen again until the third Captain America movie, and there’s been no hint that he’s been involved in anything Stark discussed with him in that seen. But it was a hugely important scene in underscoring the shared universe because although Jackson had clout in his end scene, Downey jr. was coming in as the star from the previous movie.
  • I get my box office figures from Here are the Spider-Man in film ones. Bear in mind as well that a studio can often spend twice a budget on advertising, but then there are things like merchandising that aren’t taken into consideration when calculating a movie’s grosses.
  • Although the first five Spider-Man movies have a similar tonal feel, I think there is a concerted effort in the Garfield movies at world building with a view to making a franchise as opposed to a series. A series means just Spider-Man movies, a franchise means a kind of cluster of movies that would include Venom, Sinister Six, etc.
  • I apologize to everyone who tuned in to hear about the 1970s Spider-Man movies starring Nicholas Hammond. These movies really fit when discussing Spider-Man in film since they were shot for television and re-edited as movies for the international market.
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Truth and Story – Fiction Hack: Episode 013

Today we tackle and solve one of the eternal questions of humanity: what is truth? And what do we mean when we talk about truth and story? We have all the answers here for you guys. Seriously, we worked it out. You’re welcome.

Ross’ Notes:

  • Man, I’m talking fast. But hey, I’m passionate about truth and story! Maybe listen to this at 0.75 speed. I don’t know.
  • What percentage of the Bible do YOU think is factual? Tweet us a percentage mark with the #fictionhack.
  • Here is the letter from theologian Karl Barth:

Basel, 18 Feb. 1965 

Dear Christine, 

You have had to wait a terribly long time for an answer to your letter of 13 Dec.—not because of indifference, for I am sincerely interested in your welfare, and in that of your mother and sisters, and am always pleased to have good news from Zollikofen [near Bern, Switzerland].

Has no one explained to you in your seminar that one can as little compare the biblical creation story and a scientific theory like that of evolution as one can compare, shall we say, an organ and a vacuum-cleaner—that there can be as little question of harmony between as of contradiction? 

The creation story is a witness to the beginning or becoming of all reality distinct from God in the light of God’s later acts and words relating to his people Israel—naturally in the form of a saga or poem. The theory of evolution is an attempt to explain the same reality in its inner nexus—naturally in the form of a scientific hypothesis. 

The creation story deals only with the becoming of all things, and therefore with the revelation of God, which is inaccessible to science as such. The theory of evolution deals with what has become, as it appears to human observation and research and as it invites human interpretation. Thus one’s attitude to the creation story and the theory of evolution can take the form of an either/or only if one shuts oneself off completely from faith in God’s revelation or from the mind (or opportunity) for scientific understanding. 

So tell the teacher concerned that she should distinguish what is to be distinguished and not shut herself off completely from either side. 

My answer comes so late because on the very day you wrote, 13 Dec., I had a stroke and had to spend several weeks in the hospital. 

With sincere greetings which you may also pass on to your mother and sisters, 

Uncle Karl

Taken from
  • I was always curious as to why it is The Picture of Dorian Grey, not the Portrait. Not sure why Wilde made that decision, but he was was a genius, I don’t question, only seek to understand.
  • The line from the preface I’m referencing reads, “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.” And, as I say, he goes on to write a startlingly moral book. Again, Wilde is so complex, and he understood truth and story as meaning something different to what we’re talking about here, that there were any number of reasons why he may have written what he did. One that I didn’t bring up was that he thought this was true. Again, author’s aren’t always the best people to talk to about their own work, or how it should be purposed.
  • The Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes I’m referencing are Descent I & II, from seasons 6 and 7.
  • I’m thinking of making t-shirts that say “You Can’t Live On Crack”.
  • That G. K. Chesterton quote in context (emphasis mine):

Literature and fiction are two entirely
different things. Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity.
A work of art can hardly be too short, for its climax is its merit.
A story can never be too long, for its conclusion is merely
to be deplored, like the last halfpenny or the last pipelight.
And so, while the increase of the artistic conscience tends
in more ambitious works to brevity and impressionism, voluminous
industry still marks the producer of the true romantic trash.
There was no end to the ballads of Robin Hood; there is no end
to the volumes about Dick Deadshot and the Avenging Nine. These two
heroes are deliberately conceived as immortal.

The full short essay is available at:
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Who Is Doctor Who? Part One – Fiction Hack: Episode 012

So who is Doctor Who, anyway? It’s a fair question, and one that we have to travel 50 years into the past in order to answer fully. This week we pick up with the very first Doctor, mention very briefly “Dr. Who”, and blow through the Second Doctor–essentially all the black and white (and missing)episodes. Join us on a journey through space and time as we ask… who is Doctor Who?

Ross’ Notes

  • First up, this episode is in NO WAY meant to be a comprehensive guide, only an introduction. That said, I’m fairly well-versed in Doctor Who lore, so I challenge anyone to find ANY MISTAKES AT ALL with anything that I’ve said.
  • FIRST MISTAKE: Doctor Who first aired on 23 November 1963, not 1965.
  • Authors C. S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley also died on the same day as John F. Kennedy. In 1963. Not 1965.
  • Check out some bio info for Verity Lambert. She’s quite an inspiring person.
  • The biopic starring David Bradley that we’re talking about is called An Adventure in Space and Time, and was aired in 2013. You can buy it here:

  • Find out more about the Peter Cushing Dr Who here. He’s largely been forgotten, which is kind of a shame, but the movies add almost nothing to the mythos of The Doctor, having been made from rewritten episodes and not any better realised the second time around.
  • CORRECTION: Did I say that Derrick Sherwin died? He did not! I think I was thinking of the great Berry Letts.
  • Graeme Harper is the guy who has directed for both the old Doctor Who series and the new series. His first directed episodes were the Caves of the Adrozani in 1984, which was the last Fifth Doctor story, and he rejoined the family in 2006, during the David Tennant/RTD run.
  • I’ll give a shout out to the Tardis Data Core, which is a fan-run wikia, and is the bookmark I always go to first for Doctor Who info.
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Ready Player One. Fiction Hack: Episode 011

Are you ready player one? Ross has read the book, Colin has seen the movie–can one convince the other to do the other? It’s a roundabout discussion that drifts into deeper waters as we question the value of nostalgia in the pursuit of truth.

Ross’ Notes

  • I really do recommend the book–much better than I expected. Buy it here to support the show:
  • Colin really did seem to enjoy the movie, and he succeeded in making me curious enough to give it a go. Click here to buy it and support the show:
  • These notes are quite short and I’ve just noticed that Mark Rylance is in the movie adaptation of Ready Player One, so I’ll talk a little about him. I think for a lot of people this mid-fifties year-old guy just dropped out of nowhere and started getting nominated for Oscars and awards. But he had a very full career before then, mostly on stage. He was the first artistic director of the rebuilt Globe theatre in London. I actually saw him in a production of Anthony and Cleopatra in the early 2000s, where he played the title role… of Cleopatra. It was an all-male cast, and he was an absolute revelation. Not only a convincing woman, not only a convincing monarch… he was funny and moving. At one point he hoiked back his skirts and pulled a dagger from a holder on his leg. It remains one of my most memorable Shakespeare experiences ever. Mark Rylance is also a Shakespeare denier, which means that he doesn’t think that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare. He co-authored some declaration or other which made a bigger splash than it should have because every thirty years someone pops up making a big deal of it. Maybe it’s worth an episode in the future. Write in if you want to hear that.
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Protagonists and Antagonists. Fiction Hack: Episode 010

We all think we know what we mean when we talk about protagonists and antagonists, but do we actually? Let’s dive deeper into the words’ origins…

Ross’ Notes

  • First up, as I hope I made clear, I am not using these two words in their conventional meaning. The accepted usage of “protagonist” today is simply “main character”. I think that this loses an important nuance, however, and one that we would have to invent terminology to redefine both protagonists and antagonists. Why go to that hassle when we can just use the old word in a new way?
  • From Wiktionary: PROTAGONST – from Ancient Greek πρωταγωνιστής (prōtagōnistḗs, “a chief actor”), from πρῶτος (prôtos, “first”) + ἀγωνιστής (agōnistḗs, “a combatant, pleader, actor”).
  • From Wiktionary: ANTAGONIST – From Ancient Greek ἀνταγωνιστής (antagōnistḗs, “opponent”) (ἀντί (antí, “against”) + ἀγωνιστής (agōnistḗs, “a combatant, pleader, actor”)), from ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι (antagōnízesthai, “antagonize”).
  • My explanation of Greek Tragedy is very brief and mostly inaccurate. But it will do for now as a simple understanding until we can explore it more later. A certain amount of Classics scholarship is guesswork, supposition, or hearsay anyway.
  • Important to understand about Predator (1987), the actual story being told changes. This is a comprehensive flip–all story objectives are exchanged for completely new objectives. Thus the protagonists’ and antagonists’ roles flip.
  • Anagnorisis is my new favourite word. Might be worth an episode. Write in if you’d like to hear that.
  • That’s me, still bringing up Star Wars…
  • Lawrence of Arabia (1962) was written by Robert Bolt, who certainly knew what he was about. He won two Oscars and wrote the screenplays for Doctor Zhivago (1965), A Man For All Seasons (1966), which is another personal favourite, and The Mission (1988). 
  • Definitely check out Changing Lanes (2002). Very interesting when discussing protagonists and antagonists.
  • Shakespeare’s Coriolanus is certainly one of the more spirited and violent fish-out-of-water stories you’ll come across.

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Remembering Steve Ditko: Fiction Hack Episode 008

This week we are remembering Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, The Question, Rorshach, and much, much more. Just like the heroes he created and helped develop, Ditko was a mysterious, complex, and principled individual. Today we try to open a little of that up for you.

Ross’ Show Notes

  • Here’s a list of characters that Steve Ditko created on Wikipedia. Not all of them had their own titles, of course, but it’s pretty impressive.
  • William Sydney Porter’s pen name was O. Henry.
  • My history of Marvel Comics is not strictly accurate, but it is the simplest way of thinking about it. Fortunately, there are a lot of good biographies of early comics history. My favourite, for its objectivity, is Sean Howe’s Marvel: The Untold Story.
  •  Here’s a sample of Alan Moore’s scriptwriting style, which I don’t think anyone would advise emulating. This is the description for ONE PANEL on the first page of Watchmen. You can find it in the Watchmen Absolute edition.

Alan Moore Watchmen Script

remembering steve ditko

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